Write For Us

Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload.


Email us at: info@yourdmsolution.com
Please put the title of your piece in the subject line and share the article in a word document file.
We read every submission we receive and try to focus on great content for our website. If your post has been accepted, we will respond within 1-2 Days.

Share your articles with the world – Write for Us

Does writing excite you?  Does the prospect of putting down your thoughts, words, and expressions from your mind to paper (or screen) make you happy? Are you known for your way with words, your penchant for expressing yourself the best way possible through writing?

If that’s the case, we will be happy to upload your content on our blog.

Wherever you are, we would love to have you write in for us!


  • Word limit: Minimum 750-800 words (minimum)
  • Plagiarism: Only original content. We do not support any kind of plagiarism
  • Link:  A link to your blog or web page. The link will be permanent and a do-follow attribute will be given.
  • Pictures: 1-2 high-quality pictures that would go along with the article.
  • Type of article: Only health-related articles will be published on our website


Yes, Crediheath has the right to edit the article in the case of wrongful information.

The minimum word count should be 750 and the maximum word count per article is 2,000.


Credihealth will upload the article within 1-2 days.

You can only insert only 1 link to your blog or a web page in the article and 1 relevant link from the credihealth.com/blog article.


We will make minor on-page SEO changes to the article but we expect you to thoroughly optimize the content so as to rank the article quickly.